The problem of falling in the elderly is another problem that occurs frequently. Due to the deterioration of the body with age, the body is not strong and has poor balance. Falls are cause by the loss of balance, causing their arms, legs, head or other parts to hit the floor or objects, resulting in both minor and major injuries.
An important factor that causes falls in the elderly more often than in people of other ages is the health changes that occur with age. Many health problems with age, such as vision problems, hearing problems, bone, muscle and joint problems such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, ยูฟ่าเบท, including malnutrition such as vitamin D deficiency, all affect the strength and ability to balance and make it easier for the elderly to fall.
Although falls in the elderly are common accidents, these problems can be prevent or the risk of these problems can be reduce as follows
- Exercising regularly helps to strengthen the body, especially the muscles. However, you have to look at the type of exercise to make it suitable for each elderly person. For example, if have knee degeneration problems, they should avoid running.
- Eat healthy foods to increase your body’s strength.
- If medication is require, especially medication that causes drowsiness as a side effect, the elderly should sit or lie still after taking it. They should not get up and walk around.
- Improving the environment inside and outside the house, such as bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and around the house, taking care not to have slippery floors or obstacles that are obstacles.
- Use various walking aids to increase safety for the elderly, such as canes, walkers, and wheelchairs.
As we age, our body organs gradually deteriorate. This makes it easier for the elderly to suffer from various health problems than people of other ages, such as osteoporosis, insomnia, confusion, memory loss, hearing problems, vision problems, eating disorders, and another common health problem among is falling. Falls in the elderly are consider very dangerous because they can lead to other health problems and complications.