Moisturizer is a product that acts to increase moisture to the skin, coats the skin to reduce water loss, or absorbs moisture from the air to add water to the skin, resulting in the skin looking strong and healthy, maintaining moisture, smooth and firm skin, as well as helping to condition the skin before applying makeup, making makeup last longer and smoother on the skin. Especially in winter, the humidity in the air is lower, causing the skin to lose water more easily than usual, causing changes in skin condition, problems with dry, tight skin, flaky skin, redness, itching or irritation.
Moisturizers can provide moisture for 2-6 hours, depending on the type of moisturizer. They can be divid into 3 types:
Humectant is a substance that helps increase water in the skin layer, making the skin moist. They are substances that absorb water from the deep layers of the epidermis to the upper layer. They provide moisture in the outermost layer of the skin, also known as the epidermis, to protect the skin from germs, dehydration, or chemicals. Substances with these properties include glycerin, alpha hydroxy acids, hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, โปรโมชั่น ufabet, and urea.
Occlusive: A substance that prevents water evaporation from the skin and helps coat the skin. This type of moisturizer helps coat the skin by creating a thin film that coats the top layer of the skin and is waterproof, slowing down the loss of water through the skin. The group that has this property includes carnauba wax. Which is a wax obtain from the leaves of the carnauba palm, olive oil, petrolatum, silicone, lanolin, and the Intercellular lipid bilayers group such as saramic fatty acids.
Emollients are active ingredients that help moisturize the skin and make it soft. They are absorbable fats that help soften the skin and connect flaky skin or dead skin cells, reducing water loss through the skin. This group of substances includes Shea Butter, Squalane, Collagen, Isopropyl and Palmitate.
Moisturizer is a very important helper that will add moisture to the skin well and meet the needs. Using a moisturizer to get good results should after cleaning the skin. Because this is the period when the substance will be absorb into the skin well. Apply it all over the skin that needs to be coat. Use your fingers to gently massage it so that the cream spreads into the skin better. Just like that, your skin will look good no matter what the weather is like.