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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

How do Electronic cigarettes affect the body?

Electronic cigarettes ( ELECTRIC CIGARETTE ) are a type of smoking device that uses an electrical mechanism to generate heat and vapor, contains various chemicals, without smoke from the combustion process like regular The part of the liquid that is vaporized and enters the body will have the main compounds :   1. Nicotine is a

Surgery to correct a weak or age-related voice

At present, Thai society has entered the aging society, resulting in more diseases caused by degeneration or diseases of the elderly. Such as reduced hearing quality of the ear, osteoarthritis that causes pain. Or even problems that many people overlook. Such as the change in

When is the first time children should visit the dentist?

New parents often wonder… When is it time to take their little ones to see a dentist? Many people may think that children who just start to have teeth don’t have problems with tooth decay, so they don’t need to see a dentist. But in

Cracked molar: causes and how to deal with it correctly

A fractured molar is a condition that occurs when a molar is damaged, causing the molar to break or Cracked molar. A fractured molar is a condition that should be treated urgently. Because a fractured molar can result in toothache, tooth sensitivity, and other complications

4 easy ways to cure diarrhea and watery stools by yourself

Ways to treat diarrhea and watery stools may help relieve symptoms caused by diarrhea, such as frequent bowel movements, stomachache, and bloating, which can affect your daily life. In addition, using ways to treat diarrhea. And watery stools may also help prevent dehydration, a complication

How to prevent falls in the elderly.

The problem of falling in the elderly is another problem that occurs frequently. Due to the deterioration of the body with age, the body is not strong and has poor balance. Falls are cause by the loss of balance, causing their arms, legs, head or

How to Lose Weight for People Over 50.

Lose Weight is not easy, but it is not difficult either. Of course, regular exercise and eating a healthy diet that emphasizes dietary fiber, quality protein, and all 5 food groups in every meal are important. But as we age, our metabolism also gets worse.

Skin care tips for oily skin, oily face.

Oily skin and oily face are caused by the sebaceous glands under the skin producing too much sebum. It is a fat that has properties to protect and moisturize the skin. It also helps to keep hair shiny and healthy. However, having too much sebum